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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Who You Spend Time With Matters

I had no idea these beauties existed somewhere on this none. They look like something from a sci-fi movie and up close and in person, they are truly exquisite. This is pure color, no filters, and I am just astounded by them. 

And...I knew their name for like a millisecond because of my sweet friend who so graciously responded when I asked her for the millionth time, "Ooooooohhhh, what's this?"

In fact, that was our exchange the majority of the time we were in the wholesaler's market. Everywhere I turned I saw colors and textures I did not know existed in the world of flowers and felt like I did as a kid the very first time I went to Sea World.

We all have our things okay?

Everything about my outing with her that day was an adventure...including navigating the warehouse district in downtown Dallas while completely lost. All while our husbands spent time together taking on the world with their laser focused, single-minded, let's forge ahead brains. 

Every time we leave their presence we take some kind of new knowledge with us. They are always teaching without even realizing it. 

And at the end of the day, Jason and I drove home with full hearts knowing we are better people because of them.

And then there was Saturday night when we sat through an amazing class taught by our even more amazing friend on one of our favorite subjects: using our strengths in marriage. 

The class was insightful and full of activities that challenged us to identify and acknowledge what the other does well and be vulnerable with each other about our needs. 

Finishing off the evening with dinner with her and her husband was a huge added bonus. We couldn't have asked for better conversation that challenged us and spurred us on to do more and be more. The way they view people and relationships is inspiring and sets a model that we want to emulate in our own lives.

When we finally settled in that night,  J and I decided we are incredibly blessed by the people we get to do life with and knew without a shadow of a doubt they make us better people.


And then the other night I was a good hour into my evening hike when I remembered a picture of myself I had seen earlier that day. Although I am laughing and smiling (I was with my sister...we do that a lot together), I was actually a very insecure and anxious person with a lot of broken pieces. 

Reflecting on that picture and comparing the woman I used to be to who I am now,  just blew me away. Two years ago, I could not have imagined knocking out 5-mile evening hikes ALL BY MYSELF on the regular or hitting spin classes as many times a week as I can get them in. 

I am not the same person. Actually, we are not the same people. 

And again, God used people to help fuel those changes. A good portion of the hike was spent thinking about our friends Dy Ann and Michael who led J and me to this lifestyle that changed our health for the better. Because of our relationship with them, I am 60 pounds lighter and Jason and I both are the healthiest we have ever been. 

During the rest of my hike, I reflected on this past year and all the ways we are better people because God brought them into our lives. 

Three different couples, three super impactful friendships that are actively shaping our daily choices and leading us down a road we could not have imagined just two short years ago. 

We have been so very blessed to have the Lord surround us with amazing people throughout our lives during various seasons. We have been challenged, loved on, led and carried sometimes, but the key has been to let them in. 

What we learn from our friends is priceless. God uses them and their unique gifts and abilities to teach us and grow the qualities in us He wants to use to complete his purpose. And...hopefully, they get something in return. 

We sure do love them all.

"Who you spend time with is who you become. If you want to master your life, it is important that you surround yourself with people who inspire you to achieve greatness."
~Stefan James

Being intentional about your marriage is not limited to scheduling date nights and good communication. Who you choose to surround yourself with can either strengthen or weaken your relationship as a couple. 

Be mindful of those who have influence in your lives, you will be amazed at how God can use them to make you a better version of YOU. 

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