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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Everything is the Best.

This morning's hike had me like....sighhhhhhh.

I froze when I turned the corner and saw this view in front of me. It was the perfect mixture of the last remnants of winter and the new life of spring smothered in exquisite morning light. 

I literally caught myself saying, "Morning light is just the best."

And then I remembered a fabulous sunset picture I caught two weeks ago when I said the exact same thing about evening light. And my mind went spiraling down the list of contradictory bests I espouse during different seasons and times of the year. 

Spring is my favorite until Autumn. Rainy, cold weather gets me going, but then I get desperate for warm and sunny patio weather and that's only until I am ready for a snowfall (yes, I know, it's Texas and those are like unicorns here). 

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but so is Easter, then, of course, there is Christmas and I really do love Memorial Day. 

The list goes on and on of all my favorites and how they completely contradict each other. 

But then, like He always does, the Holy Spirit interrupted this fascinating dialogue I was having with myself about what a what a complete mess I am. This conversation may have been occurring out loud in the middle of the woods...or maybe not.

You know, it's whatever. 

I guess before I could really go down that hole all by myself He decided to set the record straight and interjected with:

"Well, if I created it all, then Everything is the Best."


And that was that. I can call everything the best because I believe He created it and if He looked at creation at the end of the 6th day and declared it all good, then well, I guess it really is.

We are the ones who assign preferences and favorites that are so often tied to memories and experiences, not Him. 

In Ecclesiastes, we are reminded that there is a time and a season for everything and that He has made everything beautiful in its time. 

If that is true, then I am golden...and not officially crazy. 

So this past weekend, Everything was the Best.

The surprise getaway with my love (who won date month by the way) that included all the coffee, a little shopping, a little cappuccino from a revisit to Edith's, some chill time with The Office...and more coffee.

There was also more laughing than should probably be allowed as we realized two things: 

1) We are absolutely not hip enough to pull off the new trends in jeans we found in one of the stores in Dallas.

(Yes, they are actually made inside out...on purpose) 


2) We are too old to learn how to take a perfect selfie.

This was one of literally over 40 (we learned that there was a burst option on our phones...who knew and how do you turn it off???). 

So, yeah the 24 hours spent alone together was the best. 

Until Saturday, when we met the boys for a movie, church, and then dinner. These outings include our oldest being hit on by every cute waitress that comes our way and enduring dinner topics that include "So, who would you say fits the Holy Trinity of Business Moguls?" 

Yes, this was a real question posed by the oldest and quickly answered by the youngest. They then spent the next fifteen minutes debating the qualifications, validating their suggestions and settled on Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates (but he barely made the cut). 

Jason and I don't really participate in our boys' constant convos about politics, economics, and other such topics unless a bit of parental guidance is needed (i.e.: Remember guys, be nice. Act like people who really love Jesus, okay?).

Every day, we are utterly amazed at the brilliance these boys exhibit and wonder how and why God gave us children that are so much smarter than we are.

Then that was the best. 

Until Sunday....Didn't I mention Easter is my favorite? 


I love all it represents. I love the feeling of peace and victory that beautifully intertwine and fill the atmosphere on Easter Sunday Morning. I love the uncontainable joy that wakes me in the morning and the feeling of rebirth that surrounds the day.

And on this Easter morning when we woke up a little late, it was cloudy, damp, and cold, and someone I love with a beard woke up in a funk, I had to fight to remember it was EASTER and it is my FAVORITE.

It helped when we arrived at my parents and these cuties celebrating their first full year of marriage were there....

Yes, in matching shirts. Yes, it was April Fool's Day too. No, they weren't being ironic.

They celebrated one year of a miraculous marriage on the day we celebrated the Resurrection and that's kind of amazing.

The day was filled with laughter, my whole family together, baby chickens, target practice (on hay bales, not chickens), long awaited for grilled ribs, and lots and lots of pictures. 

And in amongst all of these things, even though the sun never came out and it never warmed up and my favorite bearded guy struggled to feel his best, it was a pretty good day.

No, it wasn't what I was hoping heart is so tied to J's that I physically hurt when he is having a rough day, but if God created it all and said everything is beautiful in its time, then I guess it was the best too. 

Adventures are kind of funny that way, no two are really the same. Some have all positive experiences, some have a mix, and even some have none, but if there is a season for everything and the Creator's stamp of approval is on it, then it can all be the best...

And we don't have to pick a favorite. 

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