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Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Untitled. Uninspired. Un-ready to write this blog, but for the sake of consistency, I did it anyway.

That probably seems rather contradictory considering the beauty of one of my favorite pics from this week's hike. 

But some days are like that. We let busyness, or exhaustion, or circumstances out of our control wiggle their way into our minds and overshadow the very real beauty that sits right in front of us and that's just where I am today. 

How is that for "real"? 

Despite the fact that Saturday's hike was nothing less than perfect...perfect weather, perfect company, and perfect glimpses of all kinds of critters, overall it was pretty ordinary. 

In fact, the most eventful part of the day had to have been when this little guy reared up to show us his claws. 

He wasn't as scary as he probably hoped he was.

Although I should have walked away from our outing refreshed, the whole day left me feeling a little "dry".  

But, God. 

He brought my guy into my world twenty-six years ago, and that guy does not let me stay in this humdrum place for long. 

For the most part, his leadership style can be a little "brusque", so to speak. (That's a gentle way to put it...). He just has a knack for seeing broken things and then going in with an idea and a plan ready to turn everything upside down. And don't tell him I said this, but he's usually right. 

When I get over the initial shock of the approach and quit telling him to not boss me around so much, my mind settles and my heart opens and I hear what he's really trying to say. 

On other days, like Saturday, when we are off the pavement and don't see anyone for hours, and just get to talk with no interruptions and no distractions, his approach is a little less intense and I am reminded of the complexity of this human and how he is such an amazing reflection of God's love for me. 

The Author of the Universe sent this man who somehow manages to look at this chaotic mess of ideas and thoughts and hopes and dreams and insecurities and see a work of art. When I am unsure of who I am or what I am even doing with this life of mine, God speaks directly to me through my husband and reminds me that my name means "Beloved." He uses Jason's voice and tenacity to pull me out of these moments and gently (and sometimes not so much) place me back on track. 

Oh, and the fact that He matched me with a man with a fixer mentality whose name means "Healer" is not lost on all. 

Eventually, after a little time tuning into the sound of His voice, often times speaking through Jason, I remember that this life and all that it is, isn't at all about the final destination, but about the journey, (Insert corny Pinterest quote here. I know...)

Life's grand adventure is really about the things we discover, the way we grow and the relationships we are blessed to be part of. It is about uncovering the layers of the uniquely created beings we are and in turn seeing more and more of the glory of who God is as revealed through His creative nature...All topics we somehow managed to cover on those trails last weekend.

And somehow, as I sit here and type these words, the inspiration returns and I realize I don't have to have a takeaway from every adventure we take. Instead, I just need to revel in the ability to reflect and just be grateful. 

When my mind finally clears and I can see through the murkiness again, I realize that every day doesn't have to hold some grand revelation to be part of a great adventure and that even the best sailors have days where they journey under uneventful skies. 

How's that for ironic? 

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