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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Married Twice and Living Life

Me and my best guy.

I won't repeat the whole story today. Short version; it's been one long and semi-treacherous road and we now want to make the most of every day ahead instead of constantly living in fear. We've also come to a place where we see the value in sharing the goodness of the amazing things God has done in our marriage and want nothing more than to pass that hope on to others.

This being the case, and after taking wise advice from mentors and friends, we've decided to change the name of our blog to better represent who we are and where we are going. 

So, welcome to Married Twice and Living Life

Our journey has led us to see that our 20's were where we first glimpsed the miraculous power of God through his healing and restoration of our marriage, our 30's were focused on growth and learning to let go of old belief systems and adopting the truth of who God really is to us, and moving forward we are focused on centering on living our very best lives and experiencing new adventures during our 40's and beyond.

We have learned that re-marriage after divorce is possible.
Life after death is possible.
Joy after pain in possible.
Hope after fear is possible.
Finding truth after living a lifetime of lies is possible.
All things are possible and we plan on experiencing as much of it as God will allow.

Case in point...our Spring Break. Described in one word: Exhausting. But, that is how we now choose to live, enjoying the good kind of tired that comes from living our very best lives and celebrating every relationship we have been gifted with and every moment we've been given.


Our college kiddo made it home to us about mid-week, so as soon as J was off for his weekend, the fun began. We started our Spring Break adventure Thursday with a focus on the boys. They enjoyed their first outing for Korean fried chicken, an embarrassingly disastrous round at Top Golf, and some shopping (that one was a little more for mom).

Friday opened up time for errands, work, and a sunset hike with my main man where we discussed dreams and some of the foggy details of the future. These hikes give us time to have important talks with no interruptions and time for us to reconnect. They are life-giving to our marriage and we cannot remember what it was like before we started doing them.

Saturday was all about friends. Being an outdoors girl in the middle of the suburbs, I find anything that says "nature" sucks me in like a moth to a flame. I was able to round up my sweet friend (who did not need much convincing) and head out to the Boho Market in Dallas. Fresh fruit, veggies, artisan pickles and bohemian craft goods? Count me in....always. 

And after wearing ourselves out with all the good stuff and deciding this is a must do again, we headed back to her house to join our husbands and kids for a great dinner and even better conversation. At the Webbers, we are always guaranteed a visit with the Longhorns, a great cup of coffee and a beautiful cheese board. And...we always leave feeling loved on and wondering how we will ever give more to them than they do to us. 

Sunday we woke up tired, so much so that the car was silent all the way to church and a two-hour nap was had that afternoon after the big kid went back to school. It was completely worth it as we would not have changed one single thing we did over the break. We spent way too many years saying no to living life for all the wrong reasons, with fear being the biggest of them all. Always afraid of giving too much of ourselves, of our carefully guarded time and of what little money we had kept us prisoners in our own home and out of those deep meaningful relationships that God wants to use for our growth. This new season has taught us to set fear aside in order to replace it with authentic relationship and trust that God will provide for all we need in the process. 

So, for now, Married Twice and Living Life looks a lot like a growing list of places we want to go and things we want to do combined with saying more yes's based in love and less no's based in fear. 

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