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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Where's the Adventure in That?

So, here we are. Same view for five, yes F-I-V-E days. 

Allergies = going on one full month, Kara = wah, wah...

Is that a real score? I feel like it's a legit score. 

Here's the upside; I work from home so while this view is the same, I can see it in my pajamas with my personal tissue box and trash can by my side the entire time. The upside is, my hubby is the best and will go to any length to get me what I need to feel better. The upside is, I have a small army of friends praying down heaven and earth for me to feel better soon....there are actually several upsides to this. 

Fortunately, the rain came to our neck of North Texas today and settled all of the pollen in the air enough for me to be able to actually breathe through my nose again. 

And depending on what this little guy looks like on Saturday, we may actually get to hit the trails!!! 

Thank you, Zyrtec Allergy Cast! 

While I have been less than thrilled with my current circumstances, and even, may I say a little pouty, God has been faithful to remind me that nothing is wasted. When I spent a solid ten minutes crying on my couch this morning because I woke up feeling bad yet again, He was quick to show me that we have a busy schedule beginning to take shape in the upcoming months and this is my time to rest. 

When I settled into taking this opportunity to let my mind relax and not be so engrossed in self-pity that I was not living life the way I want to (I hate for my schedule to be dictated by my allergies), I actually enjoyed my day. And when the rain came and my eyes stopped itching and my nose cleared up, I think the angels actually sang. 

It is a strong possibility that it was just J yelling out, "Hallelujah!" because he didn't have to listen to the sneezing anymore. 

Yeah, it was probably that. 

So tomorrow, I'm thinking I'm headed back to spin and with all my fingers and toes crossed, we will be back on the trails again this weekend. 

Here's to a life of adventure...even when you're stuck on the couch.

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