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Saturday, April 18, 2020

There is Beauty in the Valley

I know these trails like the back of my own hand. And, every time I approach this fork in the path, I face the same decision: Do I go high or low?

The split to the right takes an immediate incline that leaves me breathless but leads to a fantastic view overlooking the lake. The reward for the work is almost instantaneous, and I get one of the toughest climbs on this trail completed.

The left side of the trail takes a gentle slope down into the shadows of trees that border the lake’s edge. There are some ups and downs and an eventual longer, gentler climb to the very same lookout to which the right side of the fork leads.

This loop in the trail consistently offers this decision to me every time I arrive at this spot. Most often, I head straight to the right! I tend to want to get the hard stuff over with and really just want the reward of entering into the high place with the incredible view under the open sun. 

But Monday, that Still Small Voice that echoes within nudged me to the left with those words: “There’s beauty in the valley.”

And true to form, He continued to speak as I followed His lead to the left. Instinctively, I knew the lesson would unfold with each step I took and would apply to so much more than this particular hike. 

As I began down this part of the trail and round the first small bend, I found myself on an open stretch bathed in sunlight before entering into the lower and darker parts of the path. Here, He reminded me of how life seems to operate just the same way. 

Just six weeks ago, many of us were in a similar bright and happy place. Life was relatively smooth with no real darkness looming overhead, and we had what we thought was a clear view ahead. 

As I continued further down the trail, the trees seemed to creep closer and closer, making all traces of sunlight eventually disappear.

The coolness of the low places became more evident as the shade set in. And while I found myself there in the shadows, I still knew He was there and leading me. 

On that particular day, I knew He was waiting for me to take notice of what actually occurred as I journeyed through those low places. Would I focus on being “stuck” in the valley away from the beauty of the high places? Or, would I pay attention and look for His presence there, in the shadows? 

As I continued to walk, I noticed that as the breeze moved through the trees, glimpses of sunshine fell on the trail. As I kept moving forward, I was able to enjoy these small but bright spots on the path. They offered moments of remembrance that light is always there, and even when you are in the valley, small pieces always find their way through. 

Who is calling you? Who is checking in? Who is reaching out to you? Are they your bright glimpses of light in the darkness? 

The next thing the Holy Spirit brought to my attention was how as I went further down the trail, I lost connection to the music I was listening to. To be cut off from what was bringing me peace at that time was a little jarring. He reminded me that something similar happens when we find ourselves in dark seasons of life. 

Many of us are feeling disconnected right now. We are missing the noise and hum of life that we find joy in. But there in the silence, we are positioned for something more significant, the ability to press into the silence and ask Him to speak and fill the void. 

And He did. As I continued to walk, He continued to speak. He drew my attention to the fact that on the trail, we have to keep our senses keen. Often we want to rush through the valley seasons of life, but when we are in a rush, we forget to take notice of the rocks, roots, and other debris on the path that can cause us to trip. All it took was that first stumble over a tree root that made me remember the necessity of slowing down to pay attention to the path I was on. 

We are all currently finding ourselves in a season we do not get a choice to rush through. While we may feel powerless, we actually do get to determine as to how we will respond to these circumstances. Will we be fretful and fixated on just wanting it all to be over with? Or, will we lean in and ask the Lord to speak and ask Him what He wants us to see while we are here? 

On this particular route, there are actually small paths that jut off the main trail onto small clearings at the lake’s edge. These spots leave room for no more than one or two people and definitely offer no place to sit, but they do provide a brief break from the darkness and the refreshing breeze off the water. They are the places comfortable enough to catch your breath, but not to stay. Here the Lord reminded me of the several valley seasons we have endured where we found ourselves with brief respites from the pain; times when we were given breaks from the constant onslaught of difficulty and loneliness. It was in these places where we were given a fresh infilling of strength to go back into the valley and continue through. 

What are your places of rest? Has someone brought you food? Have you laughed until you hurt during family game nights? Have you found yourself enjoying time outside more? 
These are “places” intentionally positioned in your valley by a gracious God to give you the refreshing you need to get back on the trail. 

After I took my own much-needed break at one of these spots, I got back on the trail. I was over half-way through this shaded region when my ankle unexpectedly gave way, and I found myself skidding almost directly off the side of the path into the water that was about six feet below me. Without explanation, I stopped sliding just at the edge and was able to regain my composure. This is where the Lord reminded me how the enemy typically finds a way to get in a sucker punch even when we are in the valley. One would think that the season of darkness is bad enough itself, but then the unexpected comes. But, when we lean in and listen for His voice, we find He often comes to our rescue before the bad gets worse, and we find ourselves drowning. 

Have you lost an income? Has someone you love fallen desperately ill? Are you enduring this season alone? The enemy has no “good” days. There is never a time he thinks, “I’ll just give her a break today. She’s been through enough.” 

But, God IS Good. He loves us and comes to our rescue just in time. Are you calling out to Him? 

Once my spirit settled, and I got over the idea that I almost actually fell in the lake, I began to find myself on the places of the trail where the foliage begins to thin and big patches of light break through. And this sweet thing was there to remind me that there truly is beauty in the valley. 

After the darkness, after the stumbles, after the disconnection, and as the trail began to turn upward, the branches started to thin, my music came back on, and all of the pieces began to fall into place. 

I was nearing the end of the low places of the trail as the gentle slope up to the high places came into focus. It occurred to me that we never find ourselves on the path to the high places if we don’t endure the valley seasons. 

I never again saw another flower like the one above anywhere else on that two miles of dirt. And I’m pretty sure God knew precisely why. 

Yes, I certainly would have preferred to take the hook to the left. After taking the long way around, I did eventually end up in my favorite place overlooking the lake. But, the lessons I learned in the low places would have never been discovered, and the beauty would have never been found. 

How is your valley looking right now? Are you stumbling through, missing connection, and forgetting to take time to stop and catch your breath? If you are you may be missing what He is hoping you will see. 

He was right. He IS right. There is beauty in the valley. 

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Psalm 23:1-4